Elsa Valle Latin Jazz Syndicate
2020. január 17. péntek
Harmónia Jazzműhely
Budapest Jazz Club
A Magyarországon élő tüzes, tomboló energiájú kubai énekesnő, ELSA VALLE, a közönség egyik nagy kedvence, mindig is magához illő kísérettel lép fel. A tüzes énekesnő elsöprő sikerrel lépett fel a legendás londoni 606 Clubban, ahová az idén is visszavárják. Elsa férje, a francia kritikusok által Európa legegyedibb jazzénekesének tartott WINAND GÁBOR a kíséretben is fog jeleskedni szaxofonon és fuvolán. A zongorista a magyar jazzvilág doyenje, a kubai tűzet is kápráztatóan gerjesztő SZAKCSI LAKATOS BÉLA, a bőgőn a hangszer egyik legdinamikusabb új sztárja, ORBÁN GYÖRGY kápráztatja el a közönséget, míg dobon a hangszer nagymestere, KŐSZEGI IMRE hallható.
Ilyen zenére számíthattok:
ELSA VALLE, the fiery Cuban songstress has been living in Budapest for some years now. She sings and teaches her art over here. She is an astonishingly accomplished and passionate singer who has lost none of the passion of her homeland. When she presented live the material of her first album at the Fono, people were practically hanging from the rafters, all the chairs had to be cleared from the hall and there was still no room for those who wanted to dance … and there were many. Four years ago she had the same effect on the audience at London’s legendary 606 Club where she is invited back this year. Elsa’s Cuban fire will be kindled by her husband, Hungary’s most famous and original jazz singer, GABOR WINAND who will, this time, concentrate on his sax- and flute playing, although we wouldn’t put it past him that he should come up with some vocal contribution too. On the piano we will have the grand master of them all, BÉLA SZAKCSI LAKATOS, the bassist will be GYÖRGY ORBÁN, one of the new starts on this instrument ably aided on the drums by the giant of the Great Generation of Hungarian jazz, the one and only IMRE KŐSZEGI.